This collection of images means a lot to me, its taken from thousands of hours spent working years of festivals with Fanatic, a ragged band of photographers that became my family, these photographs have my own experiences embedded in them. Reflected in these photographs is the love and friendships that were hard won during in those long hours of graft and fun. I was lucky to pick up some lifelong friends along the way, as well as a photo or two.
The UK has a unique approach when it comes to enjoying festivals, there is a togetherness that seems to pass us by during day to day life, yet here, in these remarkable temporary villages and towns, we come together as one.
This is my look into the UK festival goers experience: front-row ravers, muddy wellied joy seekers, and moshpit legends, they’re all there, and maybe somewhere in here, you are too.
The bulk of the photographs here were taken between 2012-2018 - with a sprinkle from 23/24.
Festivals appear in no particular order: Secret Garden Party, Wilderness, Download, Wireless, Shambala, Greenman, Snowbombing, Latitude, Bacardi Triangle, and Global Gathering.